Ms Snježana Bokulić
Snježana Bokulić is a human rights lawyer who has worked with international governmental and non-governmental organizations for more than two decades using international human rights law to advance the respect for human rights of communities across five continents. Her specialization is in minority rights, indigenous peoples rights, non-discrimination and intersectionality. She has worked extensively on organizational accountability and the establishment of organizational complaints mechanisms.
As Head of OSCE/ODIHR’s Human Rights Department, Ms Bokulić led ODIHR’s human rights assessment missions to Ukraine and Guantanamo Naval Base, as well as the trial monitoring mission to Belarus. She spearheaded ODIHR’s freedom of peaceful assembly monitoring programme and led the drafting of ODIHR Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders. She serves as Chair of the Independent Review Panel of Accountable Now, a global membership platform aiming to advance accountability in civil society organizations, and is a member of the Board of the3million, the largest grassroots organization of EU citizens in the United Kingdom.
Ms Bokulić holds an LLM in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex, an MA in Southeast European Studies from the Central European University, and a BA from the College of Notre Dame of Maryland.
The Head of Mission of EULEX appointed Ms Bokulić as Member of the Human Rights Review Panel on 6 December 2021.